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informed in the world of education grantmaking.
Celebrating 30 Years of Grantmakers for Education
We’re excited to spend 2025 honoring the 30-year anniversary of the founding of Grantmakers for Education! Learn more about what's ahead and see a bit of our history.
Landscape Scan of Postsecondary Funder Collaboratives
Grantmakers for Education's Top 10 of 2024
Putting Data to Work for Young People: A Framework for Measurement, Continuous Improvement, and Equitable Systems
This tool and guidebook can help people assess afterschool systems, the programs within them and youth outcomes—in the interest of informing system improvements.
Navigating Social and Emotional Learning from the Inside Out
The field of social and emotional learning (SEL) is rapidly expanding, as educators bring a sharper focus to helping children build skills beyond academic knowledge.
National Summer Learning Week Programs Toolkit
The National Summer Learning Association has produced a program toolkit to help summer programs celebrate National Summer Learning Week. Resources include archived webinars, tip sheets for providers and parents and caregivers, and toolkits.
The Arts Advantage: Impacts of Arts Education on Boston Students
The Arts Advantage encompasses an analysis of 11 years of arts education data and district data regarding student engagement, school climate and traditional academic outcomes to examine arts education impacts for K-12 students and includes over 1,500 variables and 615,000 student-level observations.
Perceptions of Postsecondary Education and Training in Rural Areas
Rural communities are not a monolith; they have unique challenges that require unique policy solutions. One of the best ways to understand the diversity of those challenges — and, in turn, identify the most effective solutions — is to hear directly from rural communities. This Special Report analyzes data from a 2020 Strada Education Network/Gallup survey on the perceptions of postsecondary education and training, focusing on the responses from rural residents specifically. In general, rural respondents answered favorably when asked about motivations for past and future education and indicated perceived value in pursuit of education and training. However, most respondents indicated they would not pursue additional education and training in the next five years, in part because of the barriers they identified — including COVID-19, costs in general, and uncertainty in career pathways.
Why aren’t kids a policy priority? The cultural mindsets and attitudes that keep kids off the public agenda
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