
Knowledge begins here
but never ends.

Curated reports, deep research, informational articles, podcasts. Everything you need to stay well
informed in the world of education grantmaking.

Member Insights: Infusing Playful Learning into Everyday Places

Most kids spend just 20% of their waking hours in the classroom. How can communities harness some of the remaining 80% for meaningful and joyful opportunities to learn?

Grantmakers for Education

Brown at 70: Reflections and the Road Forward

Spencer Foundation and partners

Measurement For Mobility: How States Can Use Data to Incentivize Postsecondary and Workforce Success in Public Education

Education Strategy Group and American Student Assistance





December 2020

Districts Advancing Racial Equity (DARE) Tool

The Districts Advancing Racial Equity (DARE) tool provides information about evidence-based, high-leverage aspects of schooling that school leaders can use to create systems that build on the strengths of and respond to the needs of students of color. DARE synthesizes what we know about district actions that can support racial equity and provides a guide for district leaders to investigate their systems, set equity-oriented goals, and track progress over time. It includes a framework for district leaders and staff to understand the complex ecosystem of policies and practices they design and enact. The tool also contains a set of qualitative and quantitative indicators to support data-informed decision-making and track progress toward greater racial equity.

Learning Policy Institute
December 2020

Systems Change & Parent Power

We will never achieve the scale of change we want in education philanthropy unless we are willing to take on systems change, which requires changing mindsets, relationships and power to, in turn, change policies, practices and resource flows in education. And we’ll never succeed at systems change unless we are willing to wrestle with our biases towards parents and communities, support them in developing and exercising their innate power, and recognize that they need to drive the agenda.

This essay shares our work-in-progress journey on this, as well as the wisdom and guidance parent leaders in education have shared with us on how we work to earn a trusted, credible role with them.

New Profit
December 2020

Time to Act 2020

This year saw disruptions to schools and to students’ lives across the country. With a global pandemic shutting school doors, causing economic instability, and highlighting the impact of systemic racism, policymakers and education leaders are looking to data to help them respond and recover.

Data Quality Campaign
December 2020

Teacher Effectiveness and Improvement in Charter and Traditional Public Schools

Study after study has found that new teachers tend to be less effective than educators with more experience. But despite having more junior staff, charter networks (referred to as CMOs) often outperform their district peers. So what’s their secret?

Thomas B. Fordham Institute
December 2020

National Poll: On the Eve of the 2020 Election, Education Was A Priority for Voters

Lake Research Partners designed and administered this election eve survey, conducted from October 31 through November 3, 2020, as part of an omnibus poll.

Education Champions
December 2020

Kids, Families and COVID-19: Pandemic Pain Points and the Urgent Need to Respond

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused widespread economic damage and isolated families in unprecedented ways.

Annie E. Casey Foundation

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