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informed in the world of education grantmaking.

Member Insights: Leadership for Education Equity in Trying Times

How can those of us focused on racial equity in education and philanthropy make a greater impact and do our part to guide the nation toward justice?

Grantmakers for Education

Supporting Reentry Programs: A Guide for Program Officers

Trellis Foundation

Retention and Credential Attainment: A Profile of Montana’s Child Care and Early Education Workforce





April 2020

Education Grantmaking During COVID-19: Early Trends

In March 2020, the nation’s schools began shutting down in an effort to slow the spread of COVID-19. More than 55 million students as well as teachers, administrators and families have had to adapt at lightning speed. Philanthropists have responded quickly, but the need for educating students has garnered little funding attention so far.

Grantmakers for Education
April 2020

Leading With Race to Reimagine Youth Justice

This report explores the Annie E. Casey Foundation’s Deep-End Initiative, which is helping juvenile justice jurisdictions safely and significantly reduce youth confinement — especially for young people of color.

In America today, youth of color are consistently overrepresented in courtrooms and detention centers, youth prisons and other residential institutions. This disparity is most extreme for youth in court-ordered institutions — often called the “deep end” of the system — and for youth transferred from juvenile to adult criminal courts.

Casey’s deep-end effort spans 12 demonstration sites across the United States. It employs intentional, data-driven strategies that move systems toward equity and specifically focus on youth of color. As part of this work, sites engage community organizations and community members to increase opportunities for young people of color in their own neighborhoods.

The Annie E. Casey Foundation
April 2020

50-State Comparison: Secondary Career and Technical Education

This resource provides a national comparison of state policies and activities related to secondary career and technical education (CTE). This 50-State Comparison does not include CTE information at the postsecondary level.

Education Commission of the States
March 2020

When Teachers Have to Be CFOs — Online Classroom Fundraising Speaks Volumes About Inequitable Resources in Our Nation’s Schools

The 74 Million
March 2020

A Top New England Education Funder Places Racial Equity Front and Center

Inside Philanthropy
March 2020

Completing College: National and State Reports

The national college completion rates continue to rise. The six-year and eight-year college completion rates have reached new highs, 60 percent and 62 percent, respectively.

As the eighth in the series, the national report presents both the national six-year completion outcomes for the fall 2013 entering student cohort and the national eight-year results for the fall 2011 beginning student cohort, along with historical trends. New analyses of major fields at graduation are added for the first time. The state-level completion outcomes for the fall 2013 entering student cohort largely correspond to the patterns found in the national report.

National Student Clearinghouse Research Center

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