
Knowledge begins here
but never ends.

Curated reports, deep research, informational articles, podcasts. Everything you need to stay well
informed in the world of education grantmaking.

Member Insights: Leadership for Education Equity in Trying Times

How can those of us focused on racial equity in education and philanthropy make a greater impact and do our part to guide the nation toward justice?

Grantmakers for Education

Supporting Reentry Programs: A Guide for Program Officers

Trellis Foundation

Retention and Credential Attainment: A Profile of Montana’s Child Care and Early Education Workforce





July 2020

Blueprint for Testing: How Schools Should Assess Students During the Covid Crisis

As schools reopen this fall, educators will need to get a handle on exactly where students are in their learning and development in order to guide instruction, target interventions, and allocate resources.

July 2020

All Hands on Deck: Guidance Regarding Reopening School Buildings

A guide to intentionally planning for school success during COVID-19 and beyond with health, safety, student learning, and equity at the forefront.

National Education Association
July 2020

50-State Comparison: Teacher Employment Contract Policies

Teacher employment contract policies can impact teacher compensation and benefits, performance evaluations and retention. These are key issues for state policymakers amid growing teacher activism and an emphasis on quality instruction.

Education Commission of the States
July 2020

2020 State Progress Reports

Southern Regional Education Board (SREB) analysts monitor and report on states’ progress toward six Challenge to Lead 2020 Goals for education, which span early childhood through higher education and the workforce.

Southern Regional Education Board
July 2020

Authentic Community Engagement in a Time of Crisis

During the spring of 2020, Grantmakers for Education held four master classes centered around the theme of authentic community engagement. Family voice and community voice are areas of growing interest among education grantmakers. Yet as leaders in positions of privilege, grantmakers must learn together how to navigate power and racial dynamics en route to empowering communities that have been marginalized in the past.

Grantmakers for Education
July 2020

Education Grantmaking During COVID-19: Funding Learning from Home

In March 2020, a pandemic brought traditional in-classroom learning to a halt for more than 55 million students in the U.S. Teachers and families, in most cases, found themselves scrambling to provide remote learning at short notice.

What may have seemed like a fast solution, moving to online instruction, has highlighted challenges for many learners. Philanthropists across the country quickly stepped up to help fill the gaps. What are grantmakers funding? Who is at greatest risk? What should funders be mindful of moving forward?

Grantmakers for Education

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