Oct 22 2019
EdFunders’ 23rd Annual Conference – 2019
October 22 - 24, 2019
Supporting Students in Overcoming Adversity: Agency, Justice, Equity
With over 70 sessions, four plenaries, a second line parade, and so much more, Grantmakers for Education is proud to celebrate another successful conference in New Orleans, October 22-24, plus a preconference session October 21.
While every member of our team worked hard, it takes much more than us to make this happen. We extend a heartfelt thank you to all the members who sponsored the conference, organized sessions, planned receptions and added many special touches to each day. We value each speaker who carefully prepared and presented their knowledge to benefit others.And we appreciate every one of you who attended the conference to learn, share ideas and wisdom, and bring your enthusiasm back to the field.
Together we have taken the next step toward supporting students in overcoming adversity.