Impact & Learning Groups

Great minds collaborate.

The power of our community lies in bringing together insightful minds to gather, share and exchange possibilities, generating outcomes not possible on our own. One way we achieve this is through impact and learning groups, in which members with common interests share innovations and collaborate toward collective action. We welcome you to join a group or share your ideas on emerging topics members may find intriguing.

We connect. We create. We inspire learning and action by deepening engagement between members to ignite possibilities for learners everywhere.

Photo by Allison Shelley for EDUimages

Impact & Learning Groups

Arts Education icon


We pursue national support for educational experiences in the arts and culture making these available to youth through member advocacy and professional development.

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Equity & Grantmaking

We learn in community with members about changes funders can make to their investments and grantmaking practices in order to more equitably serve young people and communities.

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Learning, Evaluation
and Data

We empower deeper engagement among members to collect, interpret, value and act on educational data to improve philanthropic practice, policies and strategies.

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We create space for members and practitioners to stay connected and informed of evolving needs in the Out-of-School Time field and create ongoing conversations about how funders can respond.

Playful Learning

We build connections and knowledge with members that seek to augment learning by expanding everyday spaces into fun, engaging and interactive learning opportunities.

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Postsecondary Access
and Attainment

We work to increase the number of learners who access and complete postsecondary education or training, with a focus on historically underserved populations.