Event Archive

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We recorded and archived many previous events. Please peruse our full library of webinars, presentations and events to find information important to you.






February 2022
Race Literacy and Healing 101: A Foundation for Change
Feb 15 2022

Race Literacy and Healing 101: A Foundation for Change

We're pleased to offer a training focusing on racial literacy – a set of skills that empowers individuals to read, recast and resolve racially stressful encounters when they happen. 

The Future of Education: The Goals and Scope of the PreK-12 Curriculum
Feb 14 2022

The Future of Education: The Goals and Scope of the PreK-12 Curriculum

The Spencer Foundation has teamed up with Phi Delta Kappan to publish a series of thought pieces about the kinds of schools and learning opportunities it may be possible to create in the coming decades. Join us for The Goals and Scope of the PreK-12 Curriculum, the second session in a series around the themes being explored and implications for grantmaking.

The Future of Education: Why We Need to Reimagine Education
Feb 7 2022

The Future of Education: Why We Need to Reimagine Education

The Spencer Foundation has teamed up with Phi Delta Kappan to publish a series of thought pieces about the kinds of schools and learning opportunities it may be possible to create in the coming decades. Join us for Why We Need to Reimagine Education, the first session in a series around the themes being explored and implications for grantmaking.

Out-of-School Time Bimonthly Funder Meetup: February 2022
Feb 1 2022

Out-of-School Time Bimonthly Funder Meetup: February 2022

Join the EdFunders Out-of-School Time Impact Group for an ongoing conversation with Grantmakers for Education members who fund or are interested in funding the out-of-school time sector. February 1: Public-private partnerships for OST with U.S. Department of Education's Shital Shah.

January 2022
Strategic Partnership Possibilities on the American Rescue Plan and Workforce: Out-of-School Time Monthly Stakeholder Convenings
Jan 21 2022

Strategic Partnership Possibilities on the American Rescue Plan and Workforce: Out-of-School Time Monthly Stakeholder Convenings

We meet with Shital Shah and Melissa Moritz of the U.S. Department of Education to discuss strategic partnership possibilities on the American Rescue Plan and workforce.

Grantmakers for Education Programs: Year in Review
Jan 1 2022 - Dec 31 2022

Grantmakers for Education Programs: Year in Review

Enjoy the year's programs on video - find the full library on YouTube.