2024 Annual Conference

Our field is rapidly evolving, transforming faster than ever. What remains the same is how Grantmakers for Education and our members are dedicated to helping every learner receive the best education possible. Every single one. We produce conferences so that we can come together to learn how to make this happen.

Registration is open for our next conference, taking place October 16-18, 2024 with preconference activities on October 15, in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Education for a Thriving Democracy:
Truth, Discourse and Transformation

What is the public promise of education in a vibrant and inclusive multiracial democracy? In an era when democratic processes are routinely tested, defended and changed, this is the central question that education philanthropy is poised to engage at the Grantmakers for Education 2024 Annual Conference.

Learn more & register

This is a landmark year, with a national election in the U.S. and milestone anniversaries of historic moments and movements: passage of the Indian Citizenship Act, the Brown v. Board of Education decision, the Stonewall Riots, and more recently, the launch of the internet, global social platforms and artificial intelligence. These and other pivotal events demonstrate that transformational change comes from the efforts of individuals and collectives to reconcile tensions, affirm truths, exchange ideas and act. Education philanthropy has long been active in this process and plays a role in setting expectations and resourcing imaginations and efforts to impact the transformation of education. 

At this year’s conference, we will be inspired to sharpen our thinking about teaching, learning, civic participation and equity in the democratic ideal. We will be challenged to expand our ideas about how individual grantmakers and philanthropic organizations show up. We will zoom in on concrete actions and zoom out to ideas and a range of frameworks that grantmakers may need to ensure all learners and leaders may participate fully in their classrooms and communities, with deep and broad opportunities for achievement, mobility, fulfillment and human flourishing.

Become a Conference Sponsor

Five reasons to become a sponsor of the 2024 annual conference:

  • Proudly show your support for the advancement of equity in education and philanthropy.
  • Further important conversations that dig deep, generate new ideas and grapple with longstanding challenges.
  • Foster tools and learning that empower grantmakers to boost their impact on education.
  • Enable networking and collaborations that collectively address challenges not approachable on our own.
  • Enjoy a large array of conference benefits.

Learn more about sponsorship here.

Conference Session Proposals

The conference session proposal period closed on March 29. Acceptance notifications were sent in June. Questions? Please reach out to conference@edfunders.org.

Learn more about the conference theme in this video from our executive director.

What attendees say about our conferences.